
Tableau, Alteryx, Snowflake, Fivetran.

Get licenses for Tableau, Alteryx, Snowflake and Fivetran.

Use the best Business Intelligence tools and grow your business in-house. Get licenses at favorable terms together with Vizyble.

Scope of service


Tableau is a tool for data visualization and business analytics. It allows you to create dashboards and analyze data in an intuitive and efficient way.


Alteryx is a data analysis and data processing tool that allows users to easily combine, clean, analyze and visualize data without the need for programming.


Snowflake is a data cloud and data warehouse platform that enables you to store, process, and analyze big data in a scalable and flexible way.


Fivetran is a data integration tool that automates the process of loading data from various sources into the data warehouse.

Dedicated contact point

We are your dedicated point of contact for future purchases, upgrades and support needs. We can represent your issues with Tableau's helpdesk and conduct correspondence in English.

Flexibility in choice

We can flexibly customize license packages to meet the unique needs of your organization and offer different levels of discounts. If you purchase directly from the Tableau website, there is no discount available.

VAT invoices

We can issue an invoice in PLN. We add the currently applicable VAT rate to the invoice.

Specialized knowledge

We offer you Tableau product expertise and can provide personalized assistance based on your specific needs and requirements.

Training and consultation

As our license customer, you have the opportunity to take advantage of all our knowledge and support in the form of training and consultation. All to maximize the value of your Tableau investment.

Help in choosing

We provide assistance in the process of launching Tableau Server and Tableau Cloud. When buying licenses from Salesforce, the customer must take care of the installation and startup themselves.

Service implementation process

Free consultation

Contact with the client

After accepting the request, we contact the customer to confirm the quantity and possibly help with the quantitative configuration.



We send the order document for signature with the licenses and quantities listed.


Provision of licenses

As a rule, on the next business day, licenses go to the client.

See how it works
— dashboards live.


Financial Dashboard


Dashboard for HR

Manufacturing company

Dashboard for Manufacturing Company


Marketing Dashboard


Logistics Dashboard

for specific tools.

There is a wide selection of tools on the Business Intelligence market. At Vizyble, we work on a few of them. Check which programs you can buy a license for.

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Business intelligence tools.

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Our offerings include services for reporting automation, data analysis and visualization, data storage and warehousing, ETL/ELT integration. We perform Tableau audits, provide post-implementation care, data enrichment and team extension. In addition, we also offer training in BI tools - Tableau, Alteryx, Snowflake and license purchase.

Yes, after each implementation we provide documentation and training on the implemented solutions. We also take care of maintenance and support for projects if needed.

After implementation, we offer comprehensive technical support, system maintenance and regular software updates.

The pricing structure for business analytics services is determined individually for each project, taking into account its scope, complexity and client requirements. The price is mainly based on the number of hours of work of specialists and the technologies and tools used.

Score your project with Business Intelligence experts.

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Data is power